Day 1 of Twin Cities DrupalCamp starts with registration and our camp photo. The day is filled with sessions, and ends with unconference sessions.  

Here's a link to a printed schedule - TC DrupalCamp Printed Schedule.

8:00 am to 9:00 am

Registration + Networking

Room Lobby

Registration will start at 8am. We'll have a full continental breakfast including coffee, pastries, and fruit. 

9:00 am to 9:30 am

Welcome and Photo

Room West Wing

Join us for introductions and our camp photo!

11:45 am to 12:45 pm

Keynote and Lunch

Room West Wing
Tiffany Farris

Keynote speaker - Tiffany Farriss

Beyond Code: Drupal's Community, Impact, and Possibilities

This keynote traces Drupal's evolution from its modest beginnings as Dries’s dorm room experiment to its current stature as a leading open-source content management system. It will explore the role of Drupal’s passionate global community and its expansive digital ecosystem in driving the innovations that have fueled the project’s impact and success over the last two decades. After exploring where we’ve been and where we are now, Tiffany will share where she sees Drupal, as a project and a community, going next.

Tiffany Farriss is the CEO of, an agile open source consultancy solving complex challenges for large institutional nonprofits and public sector clients. The longest standing member of the Drupal Association Board of Directors (other than Dries), Tiffany is currently serving as its Secretary. 


We'll dine in, with lunch provided by the camp!

2:45 pm to 3:15 pm

Coffee ☕️ Break

Take a break, and get ready for Unconference! Drinks and snacks will be served.

3:15 pm to 5:00 pm

Unconference Sessions

Room West Wing

Twin Cities DrupalCamp will be a mix of prepared and presented sessions, as well as "unconference" time where attendees will gather in one large room, suggest topics of discussion and break-out to groups. 

Quiet Room

Room Room 324

Take a break, relax, catch your breath!

Contributions (Thu)

Room Room 324

Why contribute?

The more that people contribute, the stronger Drupal becomes. The more polished and refined the project is, the more job security we all have.

Why sprint?

It’s an excellent opportunity to connect with other contributors, help collaborate and brainstorm, and move the Drupal project forward. Contributing is a fantastic way to receive feedback and build skills while learning from those more experienced.

Not a coder or new to tech?

That’s great! It’s your turn to shine.

Not everyone who works on Drupal is a developer: Project Managers, Customer Service, and those who hold non-technical roles can all give back to the community. Code is important, but so are all the other parts.

We got you covered!

There will be mentors available for those who need a little help to get started.

We will make sure you stay caffeinated, fed, and hydrated.